Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Puasa Build Spiritual Intellegence


Currently, human tends to more emphasize intellectual intellegence (IQ), without consider other intellegence potency and assume it as [the] the only one intellegence that can bring human at progress. This condition exactly results the happening of various of damages at human life.
Spiritual Intellegence will lead human to act and be in control of what he was doing to God, human, and its environment. If just human haves intellegence ruhaniah, then crisis that happened at this time can be overcome. Nevertheless not all human can grow and develop this intellegence without accompanied intention and conscious effort. One of effort that can be conducted is with execution of fasting religious service.
Spiritual Intellegence or Transcendental Intelligence (TQ) is intellegence that circumstantial love centre on to Allah and all creation-itses. Or someone ability to ten to its conscience or [the] truth whisper that inspire in way he/she takes decision or conduct choices, , and adapt.
Spiritual Intellegence is fundamental from all existing intellegences, because it is at belief in god values to Allah. One of spiritual intellegence indicator is godfearing. Godfearing or senses of responsibility, contain understanding not only simply as [the] knowledge, nevertheless also is a motivation to give chapter and verse responsibility to the what the of. Allah who is praised and most high has commanded mankind for godfearing as the same manner as decanted in Al-Qur’an suroh Al Ma’idah verse 93.


As the same manner as implied in Al-Qur’an suroh Al Ma’idah verse 93, there is bearing between godfearing (responsibility), faith (principle), and pious charitable (achievenebts orientation) that is spiritual intellegence indication.
To realize feel godfearing and improve faith, then human must conducts one pious charitable form, that is deed that addressed solely for God and contain kindliness values. One of pious charitable form that also is people obligation islam to do it is fasting.
Puasa is forms religious service to Allah that contain moral message, not only step into private area that have the character of individu and psychological, nevertheless also step into social region, politics, economy, and cultural. By stop from eat, drink, and arrest/detain all carnal lusts that can abort fasting religious service, will send people islam at a pious and godfearing people form. But, fasting not guarantees sure someone becomes pious and godfearing. This condition because of, fasting result bases on understanding and persons involved intention. If one can comprehend fasting target and try to reach it, then the person in question will become pious and godfearing.
Like has been mentioned Allah who is praised and most high in QS Al Baqarah verse 183 with the meaning “Hi people that believe, obliged to the you fast as the same manner as obliged to the people before you in order to you bertaqwa”.
Puasa is in it fasted Ramadhan, is high level education for soul. Puasa trains human to leave strongest carnal lusts that is stomach carnal lusts and sexual carnal lusts, with a purpose to reach bless of Allah who is praised and most high. In consequence,, fasting are viewed as curtain and protector for moslem people from keterjebakan carnal lusts above. Hit this fasting religious service, Dr. Ali Abdul Mahmud have a notion that fasting is “school” complete to educate soul, even soul and bodily at the same time.
This condition because of, fasting arrest/detains human from all carnal lusts (stomach passion and sexual), also arrest/detain eyesight, hearing, oral, and all organs from deed that memurkai Allah who is praised and most high, as the same manner as arrest/detain liver and soul of various of problematikas world.
Intrinsically, fasting as [the] medium for human to form two relation/links, that is relation/link with Allah who is praised and most high (hablun min Allah) and relation/link with human (hablun min al-naas). Told as that form relation/link with God who is praised and most high, because fasting contains target penghambaan for a lifetime to Allah SWT. Human borns as hamba Allah and existence of human solely for to Allah SWT, as the same manner as in QS Adz Dzariyat verse 56 with the meaning “And is not I (Allah) create genie and human but for to-my”.
As for as that form relation/link with human, for by fast human can feel impecunious grief of people hunger. Until in one who it-self fast, grow high social solidarity to help its brother other that insuffiency distress. By fasting, someone is trained on how to control he/she or in other word as [the] patience practice. This Patience finally can be used to finish every problems that emerge with liver and mind that peace, without mixed with characteristic of emotion as do at this time.
However, fasting is medium to clean liver. Whereas heart is center from spiritual intellegence that must get spirit education. For by heart, Allah want to humanizes human, exalted from all creation-its creature and because heart also, make beastly human. Mastered moral feeling at heart human, will push human to present action form that orientation at achievement (achievement orientation ; pious charitable), until grow spiritual intellegence earliest that is awareness to hold responsible.

Finally, fasting religious service as [the] spirit education form that bent on form spiritual intellegence, will give influence to man himself :
first, clean and make clear someone soul from characteristic of skeptisisme, negativisme, and attitude surenders.
second, accustom someone loves kindliness and memprioritaskan its [the] truth because soul already related to Allah who is praised and most high.
third, make someone heads towards method that has been selected Allah who is praised and most high as [the] religion for all humans.
fourth, push human to loves and saying with its humanity.
fifth, is medium for someone for getting the taufiq in all its behavior, either word or deed.
sixth, teach someone in order not to conduct mistake and not impinge rule islam, good have the shape of law, syariat and also ethics.
seventh, accustom ruhani someone to love kindliness and hate badness, until always ready to conduct amar ma’ruf nahi munkar.


At life this time, human not only have intellectual intellegence (IQ), however also must have spiritual intellegence or Transcendental Intelligence (TQ).
One of way to educate spiritual is by do kindliness and charitable pious, one of them is fast, of course fasting with candid just because Allah who is praised and most high. For by fast one can train on how to have a command over from carnal lusts, train patience, grow high social solidarity and can clean heart.
Puasa is spiritual education that bent on be for spiritual intellegence form that can influence human life, that is :
· Can clean soul.
· Can accustom love kindliness.
· Can make human heads towards Allah religion.
· Push human loves humanity.
· As [the] medium for getting the taufiq.
· Teach to avoid God prohibition order.
· Can grow attitude amar ma’ruf nahi munkar.
In conclusion, it can be we concluded that intellegence reached ruhaniah pass by fasting, lay on love teaching (mahabbah) that will bear a very strong kepedulian to moral and human. One who haves spiritual intellegence will always come up as [the] buttonhole that full [of] love moral and affection, love and wish loved because Allah who is praised and most high. With ownership and intellegence domination ruhaniah this is, then crisis multidimensi is entered crisis of morality can be overcome. In other word that by fasting can form private human that hold responsible, full [of] love love, social, and full [of] taqqorub and tawadu’ to Allah SWT.


Brochure Jum’at, Edition 36/XI, 10 Ramadhans 1423 H / 15 Novembers 2002 M.

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