Saturday, May 9, 2009

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing is one of long-range target from Artficial Intelegence(brand intellegence) that is program making that have ability to comprehend human language.

In principle natural language is a representation form from a message that wish communicated between human. Main Form its representation is have the shape of voice/utterance (spoken language), but often also expressed in the form of article.

Nucleus/core from natural language processing is sentence decomposition or often called with parser. Parser to read sentence, word by word and determine any type of word that may follow word is referred [as].

In understanding [of] a language there are some area that must figured in that is morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatic, fonologi, and the science of world about/around.

Component Utama Natural language

Natural language processing consist of two bodyworks, that is : parser, system of knowledge representation and output processing.

A system that take sentence of natural language input and elaborate it into some parts gramatikal (noun, verb, adjective, and others).
b.Sistem Representasi Pengetahuan
A system that output analysis parser to determine its meaning.
c.Output Translator
A translation that represent knowledge system and conduct step step that can have the shape of answers to natural language or output special matching with other computer program.

Category Aplikasi Natural language processing

Technology Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Natural language processing is conducive technology to conduct many processing to the usual natural language used by human. This System usually have input and keluaram have the shape of written language (text). NLP have far-flung application. Some range from to various of application categories NLP shall be as follows:

1. Natural Language Translator, that is translator from monolingual natural to other natural language, for example translator English to Indonesian [language], Indonesian [language] to Javanese [language] etc. Translator natural language not merely dictionary that translate word, but must also mentranslasikan sintaks from language come [from] to its target language.

2. Translator natural language to artificial language, that is translator that alter commands in natural language become executable artificial language by machine or computer. For example, our conducive translator gives natural language command to computer. Dengansistem like this, system user can give command with colloquial, for example, to vanish all files, user enough gives command ”computer, help vanish all files !” Translator will mentranslasikan natural language command are referred [as] become formal language command that comprehended by computer, that is ”dir *.* ”.

3. Text Summarization, that is a system that can ”make summary” the essentials from a discourse given.

In the world of intellegence of natural language processing brand is biggest application after expert system. Much experts Artificial Intelligence has a notion that solvable and important area by Artificial Intelligence is Natural Language Processing (Natural language processing).

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