Saturday, May 9, 2009

Failure Preaches and its Solution Expectation

In south east asia these days, where various of impetous strengths to cut and try weaken islam, then Dakwah Islamiyah are claimed to have awareness and understanding clear and intact to various of effort and plans that put down by various of strengths that wish cut islam spreading.
In Indonesia, for example, movement Dakwah islam had been intensively started since 30 decade at century twenty, to the initiative and effort [of] some of islam activist and roofes reformis moslem at that moment. Especially after the Saudi Arabia kingdom below/under pennons Tauhid, with its commandant, al-maghfurlah king Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman Al-Suud.

So big king attention Abdul Aziz to clan condition muslimin in all hemisphere, until careness that he/she produce fruits very big chasm for preach this tauhid to whole world. In South-East Asia, preached this tauhid disseminated pass by clan muslimin from that area incoming berhaji both sanctum, Mecca and Madinah. They later aware about the importance for ummat islam in order to return to religion in correctness, by hold firmly to Sunnah Nabi SAW. After roof that hujjaj return to their country each, they have got understanding stock that correctness about islam that later on, very help them to look alive in spreading Dakwah activity in south east Asian area.
Organization islam Al-Irsyad, that pioneered by Syeikh Ahmad bin Mohammedan Surkati, as one of the notable islam organizations that had planning and targets that specified over the course of research at the site, and work on the basis of clear manhaj by refer to Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah. That way, Al-Irsyad has developed the existance in the middle of field islam activity in south east asia, pass by big projects that already they perform in education sectors, culture, social services, and health.
Also organization Muhammadiyah in 1912 M. that pioneered by KH. Ahmad Dahlan, that active in education, social and economic. Then born organization Nahdlatul Ulama in 1926 M. founded by KH. Hasyim Asy'ari that active in education, economy and social social. And organization AL-Khairot that founded by clan people arab from clan Alawiyyin in Sulawesi, then supported by Indonesian people that put sympathy to them. Stand up also Jam'iyah Al-Wasliyah as one of islam organization that have much members. And Organisasi PERSIS (Islam Association), that proclaim it-self as Jam'owner iyah Salafiyah special attention in studying bukus that written by Imam Mohammedan bin Abdul Wahab and bukus other Salafiyah.
That's some active islam organizations in field preaches in Indonesia. A lot of this organizationses that have various of mediums like school, mosque, pesantren and universities. Although during, clan condition muslimin in Indonesia still weakens and situated behind in various of facets, especially their weakness in area of belief, culture, social and economic.

Institute preaches, da'i, muballigh, individual, and also jointly in general as [the] unsuccessful institute. Fail exclaim, invite oang-orang at kindliness, at benefaction. Fail prevent, anticipate people from badness, from kebejatan. Fail socialize, socialize messages of islam teaching. Fail socialize preventative fringes social conflict. Fail inculcate society seed marhamah, society IMTAQ. View during [it is true] pessimist.
Motivation preaches must evaluated, straightened [again]. What [it is true] true for save people from irate God, from God penalization. Or only as [the] profession to get earthly profit, and not as pelanjut brochure profetis (nubuwah) ?
Pin-cushion devils pass by various of pin-cushion medias whisper that every service that given by someone, must get reward that semestinya, also in area of preach. A Muballigh that must exclude valuable the time of the to go mission righteously gets proper indemnation. And so do a author that produce articles impressing preaches, or others that can deliver advantage, proper also claim honorarium, or royalty from its masterpiece produced [by] (orientation at earthly profit).
Has been past masanya -bisiny hereinafter _ that roof muballigh must not as yet common to pine away to submit teachings of religion, teacherses religion readies dress crumpl, come [from] just can give lesson, and writers with empty stomach must produce compositions impressing preaches (Panji Masyarakat, No.175, 15 Aprils 1976, matter 16-18).
Relation/link between perpetrator preach and object preaches can correct reading from polite Rasulullah following : "My Imagery with you, as [in] one one who strike fires. All butterfly and flying ants gather around at that fire. People menghalaukan that animals from to [him]. I always draw your from the back of in order not to till you come into fire. But you always secede from my hand" (HR Muslim from Jabir. I hold your cinture to save you, but you force come into that fire (Salim Bahreisy : "Tarjamah Riadhus Shalihin" I, 1983, matter 172, hadis 8).

Expectation and solution suggestion
Execution preaches shall programmed natty, serious, sistimatis, instructed, continual. It is not, chaos. Really serious memanfa'atkan whole energy, mind, fund, ability to save people in order not to till fall into irate God.
Islam enemies haves program, sistimatis for memurtadkan islam people. There is program short-range, there is long-range program. There is program a one year, five year, twenty five year, five tenth years. Preach islam must haves clear program, instructed, measured, arranged. How much/many percent is targeted increase of member amount jama'ah shubuh, increase of member amount jama'ah Jum'at for a time gap certain. How much/many percent is targeted increase of one who amount can reading and writing Qur’an, increase of one who amount can reading and writing Hadits, increase of one who amount can sermon Jum'at for specified period pipe. How much/many percent is targeted go down it pickpocket amount, robber, rapist, street musician, prostitute, drunkard, gambler, pillager for a time gap certain.
Result preaches must evaluated periodically. Already how much/many goals percent is reached. Any constraint that hinder successfullness. Determine successfullness indicators. Determine step, next workplan. [the] following Workplan is refines program previously. Activity Settlement preaches perhaps must operations function adoption managemen, cover planning function (planning, programming), function organizing, function pembimbingan (directing), function coordinating, observation function (controlling). In workplan for example paid attention about target, perpetrator (man), fund (money), time, method of preach.
Currently preach only berkutat limited to tekstual islam teaching. Less range, touch message of islam teaching in konstekstual. Less explain in bare about danger sharpen, stingy to private it-self and to masyrakat in sosiologis and economic. Less explain in bare about danger gluttonous, greedy, avaricious to it-self and society in sosiologis and economic. Less explain in bare about danger grudge to it-self and society in sosiologis and economic. Less explain in bare about danger to it-self and society in sosiologis and economic from characteristic and attitude like that that inveighed islam.
Already masanya, institute preaches, muballigh singleness of aim submits manual, islam guidance in preventing incidence [of] social conflict, good vertical conflict (between superior and subordinate, between employer and steward, between power and people) and also horizontal conflict (people humanity, power humanity, between executive and legislative). Submit teaching "in" that can grow feel affection in konkrit.

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