Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Puasa Build Spiritual Intellegence


Currently, human tends to more emphasize intellectual intellegence (IQ), without consider other intellegence potency and assume it as [the] the only one intellegence that can bring human at progress. This condition exactly results the happening of various of damages at human life.
Spiritual Intellegence will lead human to act and be in control of what he was doing to God, human, and its environment. If just human haves intellegence ruhaniah, then crisis that happened at this time can be overcome. Nevertheless not all human can grow and develop this intellegence without accompanied intention and conscious effort. One of effort that can be conducted is with execution of fasting religious service.
Spiritual Intellegence or Transcendental Intelligence (TQ) is intellegence that circumstantial love centre on to Allah and all creation-itses. Or someone ability to ten to its conscience or [the] truth whisper that inspire in way he/she takes decision or conduct choices, , and adapt.
Spiritual Intellegence is fundamental from all existing intellegences, because it is at belief in god values to Allah. One of spiritual intellegence indicator is godfearing. Godfearing or senses of responsibility, contain understanding not only simply as [the] knowledge, nevertheless also is a motivation to give chapter and verse responsibility to the what the of. Allah who is praised and most high has commanded mankind for godfearing as the same manner as decanted in Al-Qur’an suroh Al Ma’idah verse 93.


As the same manner as implied in Al-Qur’an suroh Al Ma’idah verse 93, there is bearing between godfearing (responsibility), faith (principle), and pious charitable (achievenebts orientation) that is spiritual intellegence indication.
To realize feel godfearing and improve faith, then human must conducts one pious charitable form, that is deed that addressed solely for God and contain kindliness values. One of pious charitable form that also is people obligation islam to do it is fasting.
Puasa is forms religious service to Allah that contain moral message, not only step into private area that have the character of individu and psychological, nevertheless also step into social region, politics, economy, and cultural. By stop from eat, drink, and arrest/detain all carnal lusts that can abort fasting religious service, will send people islam at a pious and godfearing people form. But, fasting not guarantees sure someone becomes pious and godfearing. This condition because of, fasting result bases on understanding and persons involved intention. If one can comprehend fasting target and try to reach it, then the person in question will become pious and godfearing.
Like has been mentioned Allah who is praised and most high in QS Al Baqarah verse 183 with the meaning “Hi people that believe, obliged to the you fast as the same manner as obliged to the people before you in order to you bertaqwa”.
Puasa is in it fasted Ramadhan, is high level education for soul. Puasa trains human to leave strongest carnal lusts that is stomach carnal lusts and sexual carnal lusts, with a purpose to reach bless of Allah who is praised and most high. In consequence,, fasting are viewed as curtain and protector for moslem people from keterjebakan carnal lusts above. Hit this fasting religious service, Dr. Ali Abdul Mahmud have a notion that fasting is “school” complete to educate soul, even soul and bodily at the same time.
This condition because of, fasting arrest/detains human from all carnal lusts (stomach passion and sexual), also arrest/detain eyesight, hearing, oral, and all organs from deed that memurkai Allah who is praised and most high, as the same manner as arrest/detain liver and soul of various of problematikas world.
Intrinsically, fasting as [the] medium for human to form two relation/links, that is relation/link with Allah who is praised and most high (hablun min Allah) and relation/link with human (hablun min al-naas). Told as that form relation/link with God who is praised and most high, because fasting contains target penghambaan for a lifetime to Allah SWT. Human borns as hamba Allah and existence of human solely for to Allah SWT, as the same manner as in QS Adz Dzariyat verse 56 with the meaning “And is not I (Allah) create genie and human but for to-my”.
As for as that form relation/link with human, for by fast human can feel impecunious grief of people hunger. Until in one who it-self fast, grow high social solidarity to help its brother other that insuffiency distress. By fasting, someone is trained on how to control he/she or in other word as [the] patience practice. This Patience finally can be used to finish every problems that emerge with liver and mind that peace, without mixed with characteristic of emotion as do at this time.
However, fasting is medium to clean liver. Whereas heart is center from spiritual intellegence that must get spirit education. For by heart, Allah want to humanizes human, exalted from all creation-its creature and because heart also, make beastly human. Mastered moral feeling at heart human, will push human to present action form that orientation at achievement (achievement orientation ; pious charitable), until grow spiritual intellegence earliest that is awareness to hold responsible.

Finally, fasting religious service as [the] spirit education form that bent on form spiritual intellegence, will give influence to man himself :
first, clean and make clear someone soul from characteristic of skeptisisme, negativisme, and attitude surenders.
second, accustom someone loves kindliness and memprioritaskan its [the] truth because soul already related to Allah who is praised and most high.
third, make someone heads towards method that has been selected Allah who is praised and most high as [the] religion for all humans.
fourth, push human to loves and saying with its humanity.
fifth, is medium for someone for getting the taufiq in all its behavior, either word or deed.
sixth, teach someone in order not to conduct mistake and not impinge rule islam, good have the shape of law, syariat and also ethics.
seventh, accustom ruhani someone to love kindliness and hate badness, until always ready to conduct amar ma’ruf nahi munkar.


At life this time, human not only have intellectual intellegence (IQ), however also must have spiritual intellegence or Transcendental Intelligence (TQ).
One of way to educate spiritual is by do kindliness and charitable pious, one of them is fast, of course fasting with candid just because Allah who is praised and most high. For by fast one can train on how to have a command over from carnal lusts, train patience, grow high social solidarity and can clean heart.
Puasa is spiritual education that bent on be for spiritual intellegence form that can influence human life, that is :
· Can clean soul.
· Can accustom love kindliness.
· Can make human heads towards Allah religion.
· Push human loves humanity.
· As [the] medium for getting the taufiq.
· Teach to avoid God prohibition order.
· Can grow attitude amar ma’ruf nahi munkar.
In conclusion, it can be we concluded that intellegence reached ruhaniah pass by fasting, lay on love teaching (mahabbah) that will bear a very strong kepedulian to moral and human. One who haves spiritual intellegence will always come up as [the] buttonhole that full [of] love moral and affection, love and wish loved because Allah who is praised and most high. With ownership and intellegence domination ruhaniah this is, then crisis multidimensi is entered crisis of morality can be overcome. In other word that by fasting can form private human that hold responsible, full [of] love love, social, and full [of] taqqorub and tawadu’ to Allah SWT.


Brochure Jum’at, Edition 36/XI, 10 Ramadhans 1423 H / 15 Novembers 2002 M.

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in reality…..
my expectation as painting
among silence
faithfulness even also

volunteer I pass by with uncertainty
but now…..
not ready to already I arrest thirst
make someone pity I request freshness

honey or poison that you make
all will I drink
tuk terminates waiting boundary
let even also heart torture that I receive

irfan ‘03


LED Application and Variation

At our this experiment will make operation application 8 units LED that linked at Port 1 (active low) AT89S51 with 3 knob units at P3.0 pin-cushion P3.2 (active low). where every knob that depressed will give blaze LED that different each other.
Following its program:

Org 0h
Mulai: MOV A,P3
CEK: CJNE A,#0FEH,CEK1 ;cek tombol1 (P3.0)
CALL LED_kanan_kiri
CEK1: CJNE A,#0FDH,CEK2 ;cek tombol2 (P3.1)
CALL LED_jalan_dua
CEK2: CJNE A,#0FBH,MULAI ;cek tombol3 (P3.2)
CALL LED_jalan_satu_satu

clr P1.3
clr P1.4
call delay
clr P1.2
clr P1.5
call delay
clr P1.1
clr P1.6
call delay
clr P1.0
clr P1.7
call delay
call delay
call delay
setb P1.0
setb P1.7
call delay
setb P1.1
setb P1.6
call delay
setb P1.2
setb P1.5
call delay
setb P1.3
setb P1.4
call delay
call delay
mov R5,#2
Mov R2,#6
Mov A,#11111100B ; Masukkan data 111111100B ke Accumulator
loop1: Mov P1,A ; keluarkan isi Accumulator ke Port 1
RL A ; panggil sub routine Delay
call Delay ; Rotate Accumulator left
DJNZ R2,loop1 ; --<- b7-b6-b5-b4-b3-b2-b1-b0 <-----
MOV R2,#6 ; |-------------->-------------------|
loop2: Mov P1,A ; keluarkan isi Accumulator ke Port 1
call Delay
DJNZ R2,loop2
djnz R5,LED_jalan_dua
mov dptr,#LED_satu
mov R4,#36
next1: clr A
Movc A,@A+DPTR
cpl A
Mov P1,A
inc dptr
call Delay
djnz R4,next1
call delay
call delay
call delay
mov dptr,#LED_satu
mov R4,#36
next2: mov A,R4
Movc A,@A+DPTR
cpl A
Mov P1,A
call Delay
djnz R4,next2
mov P1,#0FFh
call delay
call delay
call delay
MOV R5,#2
; sub routine delay
Delay: DJNZ R3,delay ; R3=R3-1 bila <> 0 ke label delay
Djnz R1,Delay ; R1=R1-1 bila <> 0 ke label delay
Ret ; Kembali ke alamat setelah perintah
; 'call Delay'
DB 01h,02H,04H,08H,10H,20H,40H,80H
DB 81h,82h,84h,88h,90h,0B0h,0C0h
DB 0C1h,0C2h,0C4h,0C8h,0D0h,0E0h
DB 0E1h,0E2h,0E4h,0E8h,0F0h
DB 0F1h,0F2h,0F4h,0F8h
DB 0F9h,0FBh,0FCh

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Saturday, May 9, 2009


by. irfan '03

human moment shows its arrogancy
myself even also no difference
nevertheless after you attend
likely this heart has been bound sliver
likely my heart melting as composes mouldy attacked water

you as shadow in the darkness night
cannot I touch cannot I reach for
nevertheless I am sure in a moment later
you will know…
my heart will not be tight-lipped
in silent screaming small heart says
i love you…
Read more “Conscience”  »»


Bioelectronic be concerned with study between biology and electronic system, particularly at scale below/under µ m. That draw attention at Glasgow concentrated on three application areas:
Ø Biology Merasakan
Ø Biology Manipulasi
Ø Cellular Rancang-Bangun
All three topices are hung above sinergy between Departement activity in physical electronics and research main classify in biology at this University ( Departement Sel Biologi, Virology, Genetics Medis, Bichemistry and Biologi Molekular, and Mikrobiologi Chemistry) and in other University in UK and in Europe.

Main Impetuous from our research is underpinned from Departement facility pembikinan/forgery that maximum world enables our to falsify develop tool and structure small in order to investigate fundamental and apply issue in medicine/medical and biology. Our Research is very multidisciplinary and our defrayal comes from a source wide range which express diversity about our job ( Confederation Europe continued Pipe, EPSRC, MRC, MAFF and BBSRC and Industri). We have national and compromy/international collaboration with many industry partner and academic.
Main Activity we are detailed below:
Ø Research Biologi Merasakan is mark with lines leading-edge invention and activity international this time that are being patented by that University. A main theme that concerning job become construction of antenna array multi-analyte transducers for next generation ttg biosensor smart antenna array. Antenna Array transducers functionalised with execution polymers has been developed to provide romance method for gas detection. This Technology depicts weight at to the membership in the two molecular dissociation at microstructures is in processed signal. Our Research has resulted a nosewhich electronic is the two that more can be reproduced and sensitive just than industry standar. [the] first Prototype is sent over our collaborator in Silsoe Riset Institute. Optic technique new is being developed for molecule detection that bind to surface pin-cushion and imaging molecular chemistry a cell that bind to pin-cushion [of] a surface protein functionalised, for example
Ø Biology Manipulasi bacterium, virus and significant genetic can reach array of usage antenna not invasive microelectrodes. At nano-metre scale a.c. area is used to move biology type ' on-chip'. New Method for particle separation nsur/biology item that continue is being developed base on microelectrode sophisticated antenna array. Our Tool now is being used actively in pharmaceutical and medical research, in opportunity that give for product making for the purpose of medical and for use in bio-technology. We intend to exploit this unique technology coverage fully. University holds/care of three patent rights lock in this area: a main purpose is to bring it to exploitation.
Ø Cellular Engineeringactivitieshave shows structure that that micro-engineered can guide cell, that very alter their morphology and their metabolic activity. Applied research in micro and significant nano-structured has pushed an activities programme LINK to develop romance significant for orthopaedics cover network repair. In complementary research, microelectrodes that glued in surface has been used for instruction network about life neurons, lead to an understanding neural better development, with potency application in Information Technology.
Research [the] future in Bioelectronics is aimed at exploit sinergy nanofabrication and biology. This has proved very strong, either in tool that reserve for erudite research and in opportunity that give for product making for the purpose of medical and in bio-technology industry. On the side of erudite that challenge is: understanding from cell behavior in room to underpin and lead to progress in reconstructing network: to exploit respective array technology with our foetus to make antenna array biosensors which detect simultaneously a wide range half about in active biologic: to comprehend electrical behavior connective macromolecules area one by one to electrode: to develop scan check microscopy for single detection of molecule recognition reaction at cell surface use the end of/persenan chemically functionalised: and to comprehend behavior sub-micron particle nsur/item that dielectrophoretic in nano-electrode antenna array.

This circumstantial Study examines market for biosensors and bioelectronics. Newest Advance in relation to peruntunan concerning human [that] genome and quick progress in microcircuitry has served to position this area on the verge of a main explosion in growth. This Study examines technology sold, concentrate on application category in Pertanian, and Makanan Peragian Monitoring, Nanocomputers and Nanotechnology, Throughput Tinggi Menyaring, and technology Forensik and Medis. An analysis concerning mind leaders that now in each application category and a market analysis ttg the coming technology and now presented in relation to market share. Public Perception and public policy and their effect at regulation ttg this technology to test, particularly when influence Makanan and industry Medis. In addition, growth potency is giving for the two that now and technology that that emerge for period from 1999 till 2006.

Cover Pemenuhan Bacteriorhodopsin Luas

Molecular Bioelectronics, with unique molecular physics mixture its , chemistry, and biotechnology are being hailed like next border for application research and development relate to nanobiotechnology, biomolecular design-wake up tool, bioelectronic and molecular miniaturisasi. Progress Ardour is going to elaborate censor and significant that can be hardware efficiency and intellegence/optimal intelligence, like protein hybrid/semiconductor electronic tool, protein and computer DNA-BASED, 3-d of system repository ttg unlimited capacities, molecular microscope of level resolution and tool imaging, and raft it-self sub-micron supramolecular collects for electronic application. All of these and many high-techs other product is becoming a fact.
Newest Progress in the field of this has showed very promise commercial opportunity:
Ø 3-dimensional Protein-Based optic memory and associative prototype processor creating is terabytes memory around angle;corner?
Ø Fringemaker- camera commercial holographic first that use protein as [the] optic recording media
Ø Biology and censor organic and molecular microcircuits
A pool [of] speakers get an impressions has been invited from various of market sectors and academia in order to provide a well round ups and wide dialogue that cover:
Ø Highlights research, technology development, and application commercial bacteriorhodopsin as a perfect model for integration of biology significant into technical system
Ø Designed approach in nanoelectronics, nanobiotechnology, molecular design-wake up, and self-assembling at one particular sub-micron level
Ø Photo-Inspired molecular Electronic system and proton of biology pump light-induced
Ø Data repository and picture Optic that electronic process of tool hybrid
Ø Nanotechnology and mengedepan imaging system holographic

Jorge M. Seminario, Ph.D., Professor
and Physical chemistry Director of Laboratorium, South Carolina University

A top-prioras target in nanoelectronics and bioelectronics becomes logical design and control circuit that use molecule in such a way that computer size now attends dramatically by some important order orders big. I will show technique and plan are developed in our group for tool design bioelectronic and nanoelectronic. Biomolecules presents extravagance characteristic in order to execute time-dependent and nonlinear operation, which is brilliant solution experiences of to our existence, and our goal will use it in development nanoelectronics.

The importance Technology

Bioelectronics is a interdisciplinary area research that cover chemistry elements, biology, physics, electronics, nanotechnology, and significant science. That searching to exploit spring up technical ability to integrate biomolecules with electronics to develop a broad range ttg functional tool. An aspect/important research director becomes development from connective communication between biology significant and component electronic. Bioelectronics will influence industry area. specially, it would be influenced biomedical industry pass by development mengedepan biosensors, biochips, organ/ artificial organ, and prosthetics; that environment and defence area pass by development about chemical-biological more perfect technology detection and sophisticated; and electronics and computation industry pass by development ttg biomaterial-based electronic circuity.
Usage biomolecules like block building about functional tool a peg higher will lead to application that spreaded out from integration biomaterials with electronics in recognition or tool feel, like biosensors, to development biofuel cell that use elementary body experiences of within the body, like glucose, to produce energy to move tool can inculcate. Bioelectronics research also look fors to use biomolecules to execute function that electronic that semiconductor tool present execute, so offer potency to improve computing-microchip density that it's enough for continue law Moore'S go to nanometer level. Although commercialisasi ttg molecular electronics may not happens for at least 20 year, development in conducive technology area relates will continue to guide;station drive/terminal near enthusiasm of investor and researcher
With some exceptions, many of technical approach is to bioelectronics today commercially unprovable. Much applications is in development steps and invention, and technology migration to public market will need participant to fasten . to long development timelines and invest considerable finance resources. Among factor that will determine commercial success is improved research and development to defray high-risk research like that ; access to romance that production, design, and modell process; resources marketing and channel of distribution; regulator guideline for market [approval/permission] and marketing and sale; low power consumption for tool that can inculcate and prosthetics; and access make proper and reduce cost to new technology by a/an ever increasing and brood population.
Because of dramatic potency for bioelectronics to help medical and diagnostic tool, company in medical and biotechnology industry have come toes among [the] first company to invest in development and commercialisasi ttg tool bioelectronic. Information Technology Company is pursuing research in molecular electronics. Success Research Program will rely on interdisciplinary approach that cover same discipline differs like significant, computer science, communication, electronics, and molecular biology. Although biomedical application relatively close to commercial materialization, prospect to expand;kan computation system is improved pass by molecular electronics in next decade or so much more uncertain. Like/When with many technology that emerge, nevertheless, market development uncertain bioelectronics, and participant must prepares for unexpected and remain flexible it's enough for conducted their strategy adjustment when technology and market expand.


Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing is one of long-range target from Artficial Intelegence(brand intellegence) that is program making that have ability to comprehend human language.

In principle natural language is a representation form from a message that wish communicated between human. Main Form its representation is have the shape of voice/utterance (spoken language), but often also expressed in the form of article.

Nucleus/core from natural language processing is sentence decomposition or often called with parser. Parser to read sentence, word by word and determine any type of word that may follow word is referred [as].

In understanding [of] a language there are some area that must figured in that is morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatic, fonologi, and the science of world about/around.

Component Utama Natural language

Natural language processing consist of two bodyworks, that is : parser, system of knowledge representation and output processing.

A system that take sentence of natural language input and elaborate it into some parts gramatikal (noun, verb, adjective, and others).
b.Sistem Representasi Pengetahuan
A system that output analysis parser to determine its meaning.
c.Output Translator
A translation that represent knowledge system and conduct step step that can have the shape of answers to natural language or output special matching with other computer program.

Category Aplikasi Natural language processing

Technology Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Natural language processing is conducive technology to conduct many processing to the usual natural language used by human. This System usually have input and keluaram have the shape of written language (text). NLP have far-flung application. Some range from to various of application categories NLP shall be as follows:

1. Natural Language Translator, that is translator from monolingual natural to other natural language, for example translator English to Indonesian [language], Indonesian [language] to Javanese [language] etc. Translator natural language not merely dictionary that translate word, but must also mentranslasikan sintaks from language come [from] to its target language.

2. Translator natural language to artificial language, that is translator that alter commands in natural language become executable artificial language by machine or computer. For example, our conducive translator gives natural language command to computer. Dengansistem like this, system user can give command with colloquial, for example, to vanish all files, user enough gives command ”computer, help vanish all files !” Translator will mentranslasikan natural language command are referred [as] become formal language command that comprehended by computer, that is ”dir *.* ”.

3. Text Summarization, that is a system that can ”make summary” the essentials from a discourse given.

In the world of intellegence of natural language processing brand is biggest application after expert system. Much experts Artificial Intelligence has a notion that solvable and important area by Artificial Intelligence is Natural Language Processing (Natural language processing).

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Failure Preaches and its Solution Expectation

In south east asia these days, where various of impetous strengths to cut and try weaken islam, then Dakwah Islamiyah are claimed to have awareness and understanding clear and intact to various of effort and plans that put down by various of strengths that wish cut islam spreading.
In Indonesia, for example, movement Dakwah islam had been intensively started since 30 decade at century twenty, to the initiative and effort [of] some of islam activist and roofes reformis moslem at that moment. Especially after the Saudi Arabia kingdom below/under pennons Tauhid, with its commandant, al-maghfurlah king Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman Al-Suud.

So big king attention Abdul Aziz to clan condition muslimin in all hemisphere, until careness that he/she produce fruits very big chasm for preach this tauhid to whole world. In South-East Asia, preached this tauhid disseminated pass by clan muslimin from that area incoming berhaji both sanctum, Mecca and Madinah. They later aware about the importance for ummat islam in order to return to religion in correctness, by hold firmly to Sunnah Nabi SAW. After roof that hujjaj return to their country each, they have got understanding stock that correctness about islam that later on, very help them to look alive in spreading Dakwah activity in south east Asian area.
Organization islam Al-Irsyad, that pioneered by Syeikh Ahmad bin Mohammedan Surkati, as one of the notable islam organizations that had planning and targets that specified over the course of research at the site, and work on the basis of clear manhaj by refer to Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah. That way, Al-Irsyad has developed the existance in the middle of field islam activity in south east asia, pass by big projects that already they perform in education sectors, culture, social services, and health.
Also organization Muhammadiyah in 1912 M. that pioneered by KH. Ahmad Dahlan, that active in education, social and economic. Then born organization Nahdlatul Ulama in 1926 M. founded by KH. Hasyim Asy'ari that active in education, economy and social social. And organization AL-Khairot that founded by clan people arab from clan Alawiyyin in Sulawesi, then supported by Indonesian people that put sympathy to them. Stand up also Jam'iyah Al-Wasliyah as one of islam organization that have much members. And Organisasi PERSIS (Islam Association), that proclaim it-self as Jam'owner iyah Salafiyah special attention in studying bukus that written by Imam Mohammedan bin Abdul Wahab and bukus other Salafiyah.
That's some active islam organizations in field preaches in Indonesia. A lot of this organizationses that have various of mediums like school, mosque, pesantren and universities. Although during, clan condition muslimin in Indonesia still weakens and situated behind in various of facets, especially their weakness in area of belief, culture, social and economic.

Institute preaches, da'i, muballigh, individual, and also jointly in general as [the] unsuccessful institute. Fail exclaim, invite oang-orang at kindliness, at benefaction. Fail prevent, anticipate people from badness, from kebejatan. Fail socialize, socialize messages of islam teaching. Fail socialize preventative fringes social conflict. Fail inculcate society seed marhamah, society IMTAQ. View during [it is true] pessimist.
Motivation preaches must evaluated, straightened [again]. What [it is true] true for save people from irate God, from God penalization. Or only as [the] profession to get earthly profit, and not as pelanjut brochure profetis (nubuwah) ?
Pin-cushion devils pass by various of pin-cushion medias whisper that every service that given by someone, must get reward that semestinya, also in area of preach. A Muballigh that must exclude valuable the time of the to go mission righteously gets proper indemnation. And so do a author that produce articles impressing preaches, or others that can deliver advantage, proper also claim honorarium, or royalty from its masterpiece produced [by] (orientation at earthly profit).
Has been past masanya -bisiny hereinafter _ that roof muballigh must not as yet common to pine away to submit teachings of religion, teacherses religion readies dress crumpl, come [from] just can give lesson, and writers with empty stomach must produce compositions impressing preaches (Panji Masyarakat, No.175, 15 Aprils 1976, matter 16-18).
Relation/link between perpetrator preach and object preaches can correct reading from polite Rasulullah following : "My Imagery with you, as [in] one one who strike fires. All butterfly and flying ants gather around at that fire. People menghalaukan that animals from to [him]. I always draw your from the back of in order not to till you come into fire. But you always secede from my hand" (HR Muslim from Jabir. I hold your cinture to save you, but you force come into that fire (Salim Bahreisy : "Tarjamah Riadhus Shalihin" I, 1983, matter 172, hadis 8).

Expectation and solution suggestion
Execution preaches shall programmed natty, serious, sistimatis, instructed, continual. It is not, chaos. Really serious memanfa'atkan whole energy, mind, fund, ability to save people in order not to till fall into irate God.
Islam enemies haves program, sistimatis for memurtadkan islam people. There is program short-range, there is long-range program. There is program a one year, five year, twenty five year, five tenth years. Preach islam must haves clear program, instructed, measured, arranged. How much/many percent is targeted increase of member amount jama'ah shubuh, increase of member amount jama'ah Jum'at for a time gap certain. How much/many percent is targeted increase of one who amount can reading and writing Qur’an, increase of one who amount can reading and writing Hadits, increase of one who amount can sermon Jum'at for specified period pipe. How much/many percent is targeted go down it pickpocket amount, robber, rapist, street musician, prostitute, drunkard, gambler, pillager for a time gap certain.
Result preaches must evaluated periodically. Already how much/many goals percent is reached. Any constraint that hinder successfullness. Determine successfullness indicators. Determine step, next workplan. [the] following Workplan is refines program previously. Activity Settlement preaches perhaps must operations function adoption managemen, cover planning function (planning, programming), function organizing, function pembimbingan (directing), function coordinating, observation function (controlling). In workplan for example paid attention about target, perpetrator (man), fund (money), time, method of preach.
Currently preach only berkutat limited to tekstual islam teaching. Less range, touch message of islam teaching in konstekstual. Less explain in bare about danger sharpen, stingy to private it-self and to masyrakat in sosiologis and economic. Less explain in bare about danger gluttonous, greedy, avaricious to it-self and society in sosiologis and economic. Less explain in bare about danger grudge to it-self and society in sosiologis and economic. Less explain in bare about danger to it-self and society in sosiologis and economic from characteristic and attitude like that that inveighed islam.
Already masanya, institute preaches, muballigh singleness of aim submits manual, islam guidance in preventing incidence [of] social conflict, good vertical conflict (between superior and subordinate, between employer and steward, between power and people) and also horizontal conflict (people humanity, power humanity, between executive and legislative). Submit teaching "in" that can grow feel affection in konkrit.
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by. irfan '03

reputedly loving is anything
reputedly love is blind
nevertheless in reality differs
love will not come if nothing property

it is true that human love never sure
sometimes red sometimes white
only love to Illahi Robbi
eternal love and hikiki

Read more “Love”  »»

Blaze LED for 1 second

Following will be [submitted/sent] example of microcontroller application to control blaze LED for 1 second. LED consist of 8 units LED that attributed to Port 1 (active low) at AT89S51. following its programming example:

CACAH EQU -10000
MOV P1,#00H
At program above use timer 0 modes 16 beets. This Timer are hung from clock at microcontroller referred [as], where at this application use crystal 12 Mhzes and capacitor 33 pFs at pin 18 (XTAL 1) and pin19 (XTAL 2). Oscillator that used [by] is oscillator network that already existed on microcontroller, and only enhance crystal and capacitor as [the] frequency determinant clock that used [by].
Crystal that used [by] is 12 Mhzes,
Because = Crystal Frequency = 12 MHzes
T = 1 / f
T = 1 / 12 MHzes
= 8,333333333-8
T = 8,333333333-8 x 1000000
= 0,083333333 usecond
until one period of box wave is :
one period = 0,083333333 / 2
= 0,04166 usecond

Picture Prioda square wave
one machine cycle is divided become 6 groups with every one group require two period of box waves, then one machine cycle is:
one machine cycle = 0,083333333 x 2 x 6
= 0,9 ~ 1 usecond
One machine cycle will run one microcontroller command, not close possibility one command requires two machine cycles. If used crystal 12 MHzes, then networked time every one machine cycle is 1 usecond.
At this application, we content timer with calculation 100x10000 = 1000000 udetiks = 1 second.

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Heart of Men

by. irfan '03

When love grow in chest
There was not a soul that can desist it
When love defeat anything
Nonchalant what will befall

Nevertheless when love hurt human
All become disapear
Even God even also the of
Likely insane that He that created

So decay its heart of men
That not thanks what the God given them
We must be carefull
From heart of men reek that kill you

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